Warblers & Wildflowers Weekend 2023

Warblers & Wildflowers Weekend 2023

Warblers & Wildflowers at Shawnee State Park

April 28-30, 2023

Warblers & Wildflowers is just around the corner. Your committee is working diligently to make this an event to remember and we can’t wait to see everyone!

Please note that registration deadline was April 21 at 5:00 PM and registration fees will be non-refundable after March 31 (extenuating circumstances may be considered.)

Join the OOS Shawnee State Park Lodge in Scioto County, OH for a celebration of Warblers and Wildflowers! The last weekend in April gives you a chance to meet the first big wave of spring migration, enjoy excellent presentations and experience the fellowship of fun and avid birders! Rooms and cabins available at Shawnee Lodge until full, and at Holiday Inn Express in nearby Portsmouth, OH. Details on the registration page.

Shawnee State Forest, and surrounding areas in Scioto and Adams Counties, is well known among Ohio birders as the place to get a head start on spring. Our tropical migrants arrive here well before they make their way to Ohio’s northern reaches. Some, such as Worm-eating Warbler, Blue Grosbeak and Summer Tanager, seldom make it to Lake Erie, as their breeding range is limited to the southern part of the state. One in particular, Chuck-wills-widow, is confined to a small area in southern Adams County. So, if you want to compile a large Ohio list, you will need to visit here.

Friday night will begin with registration in the lodge lobby beginning at 3 pm. A happy hour cash bar with a presentation by Shawnee State Park Naturalist Jenny Richards highlighting the wonderful biodiversity of the State Park and Forest. After a delicious buffet dinner, Keynote Speaker, Allen Chartier, Project Director for the Great Lakes HummerNet will present on Hummingbirds of the Great Lakes after which there will be an evening outing to listen for Chuck-will’s widows.

Saturday we’re up early for morning field trips, lunch in the field, then back to the lodge. Afternoon will be on your own. Later, after a buffet dinner, Jeremy Dominguez, Birding Outreach Coordinator and Ornithologist at The Toledo Zoo and Aquarium will present the Rewards and Challenges of Doing a Lower 48 “Big Year”. Once again, there will be an evening outing to listen for Chuck-will’s widows. Both nights you will have an opportunity to visit the cabins where Mothing stations will be set up for those interested.

Sunday morning birders will be on their own with the possible option to bird with guides remaining for the morning. We will share a map of Shawnee Forest for you to explore on your own.

Just as spring comes earlier for the birds in the Shawnee region, the same is true for wildflowers. The south-facing slopes along the shore of the Ohio River warm up first, kicking off the northward march of spring. The timing of wildflower blooming is tied to the weather much more than the timing of avian migrant arrival, so it is hard to predict what you can find in late April. But the diversity of habitats in this area guarantees that there is sure to be a correspondingly wide diversity of blooms.


  1. The Amazing Birds & Botany of Shawnee
  2. Neotropical Jewels: Warblers
  3. Birds and Butterflies: Wings of Spring
  4. All Creatures (and plants) Great and Small
  1. Birding 101
  2. Thru the Lens: Photographic Birds
  3. Birds & Wildflowers of Adams County – Edge of Appalachia
  4. Birds & Botany of Adams County – Lynx Prairie
Shawnee National Forest Sign
Shawnee National Forest Scenery - Creek
SAVE THE DATE: Warblers & Wildflowers: April 28-30 2023

SAVE THE DATE: Warblers & Wildflowers: April 28-30 2023


The OOS will return to Shawnee State Park from April 28-30, 2023 for Warblers and Wildflowers!

It’s time again to plan for next Spring’s Warblers & Wildflowers at Shawnee State Park. Get a jump on spring migration along with the opportunity to see and hear nesting species that don’t migrate further north. And for the botanists in the group, there’s lots of native flora not seen many other places in Ohio. AND, Shawnee is a nature photographer’s dream.

Mark your calendars and reserve your room now and beat the rush!

Watch the OOS website and see the Chip Notes in mid-January for more information and a link to register for the event and optional lunch.

The tentative schedule will start Friday evening with happy hour, a buffet dinner, a short introduction to the Shawnee area, and our evening speaker, Allen Chartier, Project Director for the Great Lakes HummerNet and off in search seeking to hear the Chuck-will’s-widows.

Saturday morning will feature a wide variety of bird/botany walks with experienced leaders. Saturday evening, after a buffet dinner, will feature Jeremy Dominguez, Birding Outreach Coordinator and Ornithologist at The Toledo Zoo and Aquarium, sharing the rewards and challenges of doing a Lower 48 “Big Year”. And again go in search seeking to hear Chuck-will-widows. In addition, we will be setting up mothing sheets near the cabins for both nights! It looks to be a great event that you won’t want to miss.

Be sure to keep an eye on the website and/or Facebook page for information and registration as we continue planning. We are looking forward to again having a “full” event this year and hope you will join us for a great weekend!

Register for Warblers & Wildflowers 2023
2023 Winter Raptor Extravaganza!

2023 Winter Raptor Extravaganza!

2023 Winter Raptor Extravaganza at The Wilds

The OOS will return to The Wilds on January 21, 2023 for our trip to find wintering raptors!

This event is a big THANK YOU to all of the OOS members that help support our great organization. Because of you, we were able to provide over $20,000 in conservation funds over the last few years to organizations in Ohio for the protection of our birds and their habitat.

And the Youth Education Committee is currently working on providing Ohio’s youth with opportunities through scholarships, educational opportunities, etc. in order to further their interest/passion to help Ohio’s bird conservation for them and future generations.

This is a members-only event, please sign up today to become eligible to join us! Signing up as a member (or renewing your membership) is easy, just click on the link below to join the OOS today! Become an OOS Member or Renew Here 

Once you’re a member, register for the 2023 OOS Winter Raptor Extravaganza by sending an email to Jason Larson at bairdstrogon@yahoo.com and join us for a fun day of birding! It’s free to members (although with rising costs we kindly request a small donation of $10 to help defray our costs). Read more below.

The Wilds is a large reclaimed surface mine grassland area that has abundant wintering raptors and grassland nesting birds. While most of the region is rolling grassland, there are also areas of ponds, lakes, wetlands, spoils forest and remnant hardwood forests. Wide-open vistas make this a great raptor-watching spot. Special species that we may find are: Golden and Bald Eagles, Rough-legged Hawks (light & dark morphs), Northern Harrier, Short-eared Owl, Northern Shrike and Eastern Meadowlarks. Open water areas can also attract a large variety of waterfowl. In the past we have seen such rarities as Long-tailed Duck, Greater White-fronted Goose, Snow Goose and Green-winged Teal. If we are very fortunate, we might get to see something like the Prairie Falcon that spent the winter in 2003-2004.


To register, send an email to Jason Larson at: bairdstrogon@yahoo.com

Include the names and emails of all the members of your group. Once you’re on the list, you will receive an email prior to the event with final instructions. If you register for your entire group, you will be the primary contact person and you are responsible for forwarding all information to those participants, if we are not provided with an email address for them.

If you know someone who is not a member and they would like to attend the event, simply have them sign-up for an OOS membership! Members may also invite non-members to attend the event, but an OOS member must make the reservation.

Watch your emails for final information soon!

2022 Annual Meeting at the Toledo Zoo!

2022 Annual Meeting at the Toledo Zoo!

OOS Seeks Nominees and Volunteers for Open Positions

The OOS will hold our Annual Members Meeting at the Toledo Zoo on Saturday, November 19, 2022.
Birding at Howard Prior to the meeting!

RSVP is needed for attendance – register here today:

Please join us for our annual Members Meeting this year at the wonderful Toledo Zoo. The meeting will take place beginning at noon in the Zoo’s Great Hall. The meeting will include a short presentation from Zoo staff regarding the recognition of the importance of bird conservation and birding by the Zoo. In addiition, the Zoo will kindly allow OOS members access to the Zoo following the meeting (including their Christmas Lights event that afternoon/evening).

The day will start with birding – this year at the wonderful Howard Marsh MetroPark! Bird tours there will be led by OOS Board Members. After the half-hour drive to the Zoo, we’ll begin the meeting with a welcome and the presentation from Zoo Staff. We’ll follow that with a summary of the past year’s activity, a proposed change to the Bylaws change and nominees for election and re-election will be sent by email to all members no less than 30 days prior to the meeting.

Members will be welcomed to stay after the meeting to spend time talking with other members as well as OOS Board members. Following that time, attendees are welcome to visit the Zoo for the remainder of the day while the Board conducts their final quarterly meeting of the year.

RSVP’s are required so that we can provide your name to the Zoo for access.

Please send your name and email address to: Sue Evanoff
Sue will confirm your registration and share the process for attending the meeting. RSVP’s must be received by Monday, November 14th. Questions should be directed to Sue as well.

8:45am – 9:00a.          Arrive at Howard Marsh Metro Park (main parking area).

9:00am – 11:00am      Birding at Howard Marsh

11:30am – 12:00pm    Gather and socialize at Toledo Zoo (Great Hall in the ProMedica Museum of Natural History)

12:00pm – 1:30pm      Presentations/Member Meeting

1:30pm – 2:00pm        Conclusion/Members May Access the Zoo

(2:00pm – 4:00pm       OOS 4th Quarter Board Meeting)

Beverages will be provided. This will be an in-person meeting only.

OOS Seeks Nominees and Volunteers for Open Positions

OOS Seeks Nominees and Volunteers for Open Positions

OOS Seeks Nominees and Volunteers for Open Positions

Several key positions for the OOS (Ohio Ornithological Society) are currently open or soon will be open as leaders and volunteers move on from the club.  In response, the OOS Board continues to seek volunteers/nominees from within both membership and the Ohio birding community who are willing and able to fill those roles for the continuation and success of the OOS.  Roles on the Board that are opening include the President, Vice President and Recording Secretary as well as Regional Director positions for the Northeast, Northwest, and the Central regions.  Operational roles that are open and require some amount of knowledge or experience include Membership Coordinator and Webmaster.

The Board has spent several months seeking nominees for President as well as the two operational positions.  While the other open positions are important, finding candidates for the President, Membership Coordinator and Webmaster are critical to the ongoing operations of the Society.  The annual Membership Meeting for 2022 is being scheduled for November 19, 2022 in the Toledo area (details will be shared soon) and our fervent hope is to have strong candidates nominated for all our open Board positions by that point.  The operational positions may be filled at any time.

If you or someone you know is interested in any of these roles, nominations or recommendations may be shared with our Volunteer Coordinator Kisa Weeman (kweeman96@gmail.com) or Executive Secretary Sue Evanoff (bird2xs@outlook.com).  In addition, questions regarding these roles and their related duties may be directed to either Kisa or Sue.  Without candidates for these roles, more significant changes may be required to the organization.  Our hope is that strong candidates will be identified securing a healthy future for the OOS.  We welcome your input through this transition.