Join the OOS Regional Director Birdwalks!
Every year, the Regional Directors of the Ohio Ornithological Society lead a birdwalk in their region.
Mark your calendars and join them for a fun morning of birding. Learn about birds and birding areas in your region OR venture outside of your region and see what great birding areas are available within our beautiful Ohio.
Be sure to check our website, Facebook and your email for continuing information on these walks as they develop.
Migrant Waterfowl, Songbirds and More
with Tyler Ficker, Southwest Regional Director
Where: Spring Valley Wildlife Area, Warren/Greene County
When: Saturday, March 25 at 9 am
Register: Free –
We’ll meet at 9am in the south parking lot for Spring Valley Wildlife Area (39.563967,-84.018377). The walk will be 2-1/2 to 3 hours depending on how the birding is.
Be sure to wear shoes that are waterproof in case some of the trails are wet. Since there is no clear place to have a group lunch, it will be on your own after the walk.

Early Warblers, Rails, Shorebirds
with Troy Herrel, Central Regional Director
Where: Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park
When: Sunday, April 23 from 8am – 11am
Register: Free – email
Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park is a metropolitan park in Central Ohio, owned and operated by Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks. The park is within the Pleasant and Prairie townships, southwest of Columbus. It is the largest park in the Metro Parks system, with 7,103 acres. 1775 Darby Creek Dr, Galloway, OH 43119
We’ll start off at the picnic area (39.9012566,-83.2104955) for songbirds and make our way to the wetlands for water birds and possibly shorebirds.

Breeding Birds and Late Migrants
with Melissa Wales, Southeast Regional Director
Where: Cucumber Tree Run Trail, Athens
When: Saturday, May 27 from 8am – 11am
Register: Free –
Join Melissa at the beautiful Strouds Run access trail through a woodland ravine just off the main business district (East State Street) in Athens. Look for spectacular breeding birds including Cerulean Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Worm-eating Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Northern Parula, American Redstart, Scarlet Tanager, Ovenbird, Acadian Flycatcher, Blue-headed Vireo, Wood Thrush, and more! It’s not an accessible trail and requires sturdy footwear, and the ability to traverse uneven and at times, hilly terrain. Directions and parking info to come!

Summer Grassland Birds: Bobolinks and Henslow’s Sparrows with Leigh Casal, Northeast Regional Director
Where: Bath Nature Preserve, Summit County
When: Saturday, June 17 from 8am to 11 am
Register: Free –
Join me at Bath Nature Preserve for Summer Grassland Birds. We’ll hope to see Henslow’s Sparrows, Bobolinks, Eastern Meadowlarks and many more. Expect to walk around 2 miles on mostly flat terrain, with a few hills.
Directions and parking details to come.
Bobolink & Song Sparrow photos by Tom Fishburn

Fall Migrants with Jeremy Dominguez, Northwest Regional Director
Where: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area
When: Saturday, September 16 from 8am – 12pm
Register: Free –
We will bird along the boardwalk. It’s a flat, easy walk. Some of the birds we might see are neotropic migrants in fall plumage. Warblers such as Blackpoll and Bay-breasted should be abundant, as well as a nice mix of other species including residents and birds Lake Erie might attract.
- Meet at the East entrance of the boardwalk, represented by the black and white hiker on the map – please note legend for details. Magee Marsh Wildlife Area Trail Map
- Bringing water, snacks and lunch is recommended.
- Portajohns will be available

Fall Birding on easy trails with Barb Lindenmuth, East Central Regional Director
Where: Barnes Preserve, Wayne County
When: TBD
Register: Free – email
NOTE: This trip was to be a spring trip and unfortunately had to be changed. Please watch the website and your monthly newsletter as more info becomes available
Barnes Preserve is a lovely 76-acre park of mature woods, restored prairie with two small ponds. It has 1.4 miles of paved trails as well as a grassy trail leading to the larger pond. Meet at the covered pavilion next to the parking lot. (3396 Sylvan Road, Wooster). The walk will be easy and the birds plentiful!
To register, please email me at
Watch for more information soon via website, Facebook and email.