OOS Seeks Nominees and Volunteers for Open Positions
OOS Seeks Nominees and Volunteers for Open Positions
Several key positions for the OOS (Ohio Ornithological Society) are currently open or soon will be open as leaders and volunteers move on from the club. In response, the OOS Board continues to seek volunteers/nominees from within both membership and the Ohio birding community who are willing and able to fill those roles for the continuation and success of the OOS. Roles on the Board that are opening include the President, Vice President and Recording Secretary as well as Regional Director positions for the Northeast, Northwest, and the Central regions. Operational roles that are open and require some amount of knowledge or experience include Membership Coordinator and Webmaster.
The Board has spent several months seeking nominees for President as well as the two operational positions. While the other open positions are important, finding candidates for the President, Membership Coordinator and Webmaster are critical to the ongoing operations of the Society. The annual Membership Meeting for 2022 is being scheduled for November 19, 2022 in the Toledo area (details will be shared soon) and our fervent hope is to have strong candidates nominated for all our open Board positions by that point. The operational positions may be filled at any time.
If you or someone you know is interested in any of these roles, nominations or recommendations may be shared with our Volunteer Coordinator Kisa Weeman (kweeman96@gmail.com) or Executive Secretary Sue Evanoff (bird2xs@outlook.com). In addition, questions regarding these roles and their related duties may be directed to either Kisa or Sue. Without candidates for these roles, more significant changes may be required to the organization. Our hope is that strong candidates will be identified securing a healthy future for the OOS. We welcome your input through this transition.