We are excited to announce that the Ohio birding website, birding-in-ohio.com, is now under the technology management of and supported by the Ohio Ornithological Society!
We have partnered with Ken Ostermiller, who created and developed this amazing resource as a way to share information about all of the eBird “hotspot” locations in the state. Ken is the eBird Hotspot Reviewer for Ohio and incorporates every newly created hotspot into the site. This includes location information, birding tips, maps, and other items of interest.
Ken is not yet ready to “retire” and will continue managing the site for the foreseeable future. This partnership ensures that the site has a secure future and will continue on once Ken decides he is no longer able to contribute. We will be working to recruit volunteers to assist him with the upkeep of the site and to learn about eBird hotspot management. These volunteers will make additions to the site and update existing hotspots with new information. Let us know if you are interested!

As of this week, the website has a new look and a new logo reflecting the commitment of the OOS to its success. The address is still the same, and the same great content is available. The site will continually grow and evolve, and we welcome any suggestions that you might have for how we can best improve the site.
Tim Colborn, President of OOS, has said, “This new partnership will result in a long-lasting new home for this terrific website with both content and technology support. In addition, it will help increase awareness of the OOS, including the conservation efforts we make to protect birds and bird habitat.”
The website has recently seen a fourfold growth in visits by birders. Nearly 20,000 unique visitors are using the site each month. Ken has received so many positive comments from birders in Ohio about the information they find on the site. It is very gratifying to part of a project that is appreciated by so many.
You can learn more about how the site is organized here: https://birding-in-ohio.com/how-birding-in-ohio-website-is-organized/