Birding at Fostoria Reservoir #4 (Lake Mosier)
Fostoria, OhioGeneral Information
CR 23 south of US 12 at west edge of Fostoria.
DeLorme Page Number and Coordinates
(7th Edition and earlier) Page 37, C-5
Nearest Town or City
Within a mile southwest of Fostoria, Ohio.
Directions from Nearest Town or City
Turn south on CR 23 at light near motel/restaurant complex along US 12 just SW of town.
About Fostoria Reservoir #4 (Lake Mosier)
This is a shallow, old reservoir on east side of CR 23, with a parking area and a gravel boat ramp at entrance. (When the reservoir is dry, as it sometimes is in summer, one can drive down the ramp to the edge of water, wherever that may be).
Visiting Information
Closed hours/season
Open all year during daylight hours.
Parking Areas
Just off CR 23.
Restroom Facilities
Restaurants in the Area
At corner of US 12 and CR 23, or in Fostoria.
Other Birding Spots in the Area
Two other reservoirs, which can be seen on T-218 and T-112 to the south and west. Memorial is in C5, page 37, and Lake LeComte is in D5, page 37. Both have parking places on the east and north. No toilet facilities.
Birds of Interest by Season

Frozen – nothing on the reservoir, but hawks and eagles sit atop nearby power poles.
Migrating ducks and some shorebirds.
Migrating shorebirds, sometimes in good numbers.
Migrating shorebirds, and ducks if there is water.