Support the Ohio Ornithological Society
The Ohio Ornithological Society is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent of the law.

By becoming a member of OOS, you are helping unite our birding community so that we can all share in the passion, enthusiasm and excitement of our incredible wild birds. Members receive:
– The Ohio Cardinal: The state’s official record of Ohio’s birds, their abundance and distribution since 1978
– The Cerulean: Our quarterly newsletter that keeps you up to date on happenings and other activities from across the state
– Field Trips, Conferences & Symposia: Many of our events feature special access and exclusive offerings for OOS members.

Conservation Fund
Donations to the Conservation Fund are used to protect and restore habitat in Ohio
You may also send a check to Ohio Ornithological Society * P.O. Box 2432 * Westerville, Ohio 43086

Youth Education Fund
Donations to the Youth Education Fund enables OOS to provide Ohio’s birding youth with outstanding educational opportunities – at birding camps, OOS events, and to participate in exciting bird projects, in an effort to encourage and mentor Ohio’s young birders.
You may also send a check to Ohio Ornithological Society * P.O. Box 2432 * Westerville, Ohio 43086

General Donation
Unrestricted funds for operating costs are the most difficult funds for a nonprofit to come by. Your general donation is incredibly helpful for OOS. You may also send a check to Ohio Ornithological Society * P.O. Box 2432 * Westerville, Ohio 43086

Bill Thompson III Youth Scholarship Fund
You may also mail a check, made payable to Marietta Community Foundation and indicate “OOS Bill Thompson III Youth Scholarship Fund” in the memo line – to OOS, P. O. Box 2432, Westerville, OH 43086 and we will pass the funds on to the foundation (If you would like ALL of your donation to go to the OOS, please note that on your check in the notes section)
Or you can donate online directly to the foundation at: Please note that you want your donation to go to the Bill Thompson III youth scholarship fund and note also if you would like all of your donation to go to the OOS.